4D / 5D PRO
How it Works?
Enabled by the expanded capabilities of the Nd:YAG and Er:YAG wavelengths, the laser provides up to four dimensions of treatment. Fotona's complementary Er:YAG and Nd:YAG wavelengths are synergistically applied in 4 different modes: SMOOTH®, FRAC3®, PIANO® and SupErficial™ to work on deeper, medial and superficial connective structures of the skin, while simultaneously targeting different skin imperfections.
Multiple treatment modalities range from the 2-dimensional TwinLight® procedure to the 4-dimensional Fotona4D® procedure. Fotona's 4D laser treatment enables full-thickness contraction of collagen for persistent, low-downtime tightening and volumization (wrinkle reduction) without injectables. Combining these 4 unique modes and two complementary wavelengths results in a respectable "SmoothLiftin" treatment.
Four Different Modes
SmoothLiftin™ - Lifting
The first step in the Fotona Laser Treatment is a revolutionary non-ablative Er:YAG intraoral treatment for controlled and gentle “bulk-heating” stimulates collagen contraction. In addition to an immediate effect resulting in the shrinkage of collagen fibres, the initiation of new collagen generation occurs. The effects improve tightness and elasticity in the treated tissue and a plumping effect to the nasolabial folds from the inside, much like a filler.
FRAC3 - Rejuvenation
This step of the Fotona 4D laser treatment is a self-induced, fractional effect of the Nd:YAG laser and a specific pulse structure generates tiny regional high-temperature spikes. This non-ablative modality enables the treatment of specific, deeper imperfections to complement the effect of the intraoral treatment, as well as restore youthful texture.
PIANO - Tightening
The next step in the Fotona laser treatment is a unique, ultra-long Nd: YAG pulse mode for the third stage of Fotona 4D in Melbourne. The laser causes bulk tissue heating safely and rapidly, from the outside in, by concentrating energy delivery subcutaneously. The PIANO pulse is in the super-extended second’s regime mode, with a brushing technique for completing the full-thickness bulk heating with an overall synergistic tightening effect.
SupErficial™ - Finishing
The last of the four-step process in the Fotona Laser Treatment is a light cold Er:YAG ablation that gives a pearl finish to the skin. SupErficialTM additionally improves the appearance of the skin and reduces imperfections by using propriety VSP technology, enabling the operator to easily adjust the laser to a highly controlled light peel, without thermal effects, for a no-downtime, precise treatment.
SmoothEye® is a new and exciting non-ablative Fotona SMOOTH® mode treatment for tightening of the periocular region and reducing the appearance of periorbital wrinkles. SmoothEye® significantly tightens loose and aging skin of the eyelids and periocular region with little-to-no downtime and maximum patient comfort, making this a very sought after non-invasive cosmetic procedure.
After a few treatment sessions, the result is improved skin elasticity, overall structure, and volume with significant wrinkle reduction.
Benefits of Fotona 4D/5D Pro
Tightening and volumization without the need for fillers or toxins.
A full lifting treatment from the inside out.
Immediate rejuvenation, tightening and glow.
Improved skin complexion.
Little or no downtime.
No surgery, needles or anaesthesia.
How long does the treatment take and when will I see results?
The Fotona4D facelift generally takes about an hour to complete but depending on what you want to achieve, at least three sessions spaced two to three weeks apart will be required. Patients tend to notice an immediate improvement in the appearance of their skin, with results gradually building after every session for six months. After about nine months to a year, the usual ageing process will continue, which is when follow-up sessions will be required.
Are Fotona Pro Treatment Painful?
Patients can expect to feel a warm as well as a mild pinching sensation during their 4D facelift but the procedure is not painful and won’t require an anaesthetic.
Will my skin peel after my Fotona Pro Treatment?
Yes, patients should expect some mild peeling to occur due to the SupErficial mode that is used during treatment.